New Salon Resource Center |
Every new tanning salon starts with an idea. But it is a long way from that to a successful realization. You are going to need to start to gather the information and resources necessary to take your idea to reality. This section is designed to help aspiring salon owners gather many of the resources necessary for planning and opening a successful tanning salon.
Industry Statistics
First, lets take a look at the industry you're considering joining. According to industry surveys, commercial indoor tanning has grown substantially over the last 25 years and today is one of the fastest growing businesses across the United States. About 10 percent of the American population will visit an indoor tanning facility at some point during the year.
-Total number of indoor tanning facility businesses 30,000 -Total employment at tanning businesses 160,000 -Total indoor tanning consumer base 28 million -Total economic impact of indoor tanning facilities $5 billion
Begin With Research
Get to know the competition in your area. Search your area for existing tanning salons or other businesses that offer commercial tanning or sunless services. If they exist, what is their level of expertise and professionalism when it comes to the tanning services they offer? Depending on the location, type and number of tanning units and décor, opening a tanning business from the ground up can cost anywhere from $75,000 to $400,000 or more.
To increase your chance for success, take the time up front to explore and evaluate your business and personal goals. Then use this information to build a comprehensive and well-thought-out business plan that will help you reach these goals.
According to the Small Business Administration, the importance of a complete business plan cannot be overemphasized. Much hinges on it: outside funding, management of your operation and finances, promotion and marketing of your tanning business, and achievement of your goals and objectives.
Next, find out what tanners are looking for. Talk to friends, family members and colleagues about what tanning services they would enjoy and have enjoyed in the past. If you're not already an avid tanner, start visiting salons yourself as a tanner.
Find out what is available in regards to tanning equipment and lotions. This can be one of the biggest challenges in opening a tanning facility. Call and get catalogs and wholesale information from manufacturers and distributors. One of the many decisions facing a new salon owner is where to obtain their products.
Launching Your Tanning Business: |
Tanning Regulations And Licensing Requirements
In addition to tanning rules set nationally by the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission, currently, over 30 states are either in the process of initiating or have established rules and standards. Please click here to visit our regulatory page to check on Federal rules and to see if your state has specific licensing requirements for indoor tanning salons.
Salon Certification
American Tanning Institute-Most states now require that you and your staff be certified or have documented proof that you are fully-knowledgeable about indoor tanning procedures. American Tanning Institute offers three ways to satisfy these requirements through various certification programs. You can choose an online program to start your training now, you can order a correspondence program and begin your training in about 10 days or you can attend one of many in-class courses offered across the country. Click here for more information.
Directory Listing
Thousands of people search www.TanningNearYou.com every day to find local salons. Individual salons list for free on the site and only pay a small fee when prospects provide a valid email address in exchange for a salon-specific coupon. Salons may use the consumer email addresses for unlimited direct-marketing.
In addition to providing high-quality leads to salons, www.TanningNearYou.com also provides sophisticated reporting tools that allow salons to measure the effectiveness of the program. All salons receive a custom listing on the site, including descriptions, photos, hours of operation and a complete list of services and amenities. Beyond this, salons are under no long-term contract and may cancel at any time they are not satisfied with the program.
Salon Insurance
Tan Pro Insurance Group- designed to cover practically all insurance issues in your salon and more importantly, under your roof. They insure countless salon businesses across the United States with reliable, affordable coverage. Don't put yourself at personal risk. Visit Tan Pro Online or call toll-free 1-800-245-0023 for a no obligation quotation and put yourself at ease.
Professional Trade Publication
Island SunTimes- Committed to providing tanning salon owners and managers with the most accurate, up-to-date information on how to own and operate a successful tanning business, Island SunTimes is the industry trade magazine of choice. They feature information on products, services, management tools and regulatory issues in an unbiased, timely and entertaining format. They strive to promote the best interests of the industry. To subscribe, visit Island SunTimes Today.
Manufacturer And Distributor Contacts
Island SunTimes Advertiser Links- To assist you in finding out what is available in tanning equipment and lotions, Island SunTimes offers an extensive list of links to some of the industries top tanning manufacturers and distributors. To get specific information on tanning products and services, access their online advertiser links by clicking here.
Salon Procedures
American Tanning Institute- Indoor tanning salon owners and operators have a responsibility to operate their tanning facility under the structure of well-developed, up to date and principled procedures. The following link offers what is considered to be a general and responsible list of operating procedures from American Tanning Institute. Click here.
Launching Your Sunless Airbrush Business |
Start Your Sunless Business TODAY!
It's a FACT. Airbrush Tanning is the fastest growing segment within the beauty industry. A recent survey of the top spas and salons in the U.S. ranked airbrush/spray tanning and body bronzing services among the most profitable services in their respective businesses. The best part of starting a mobile airbrush business is that there's not much start-up cost or overhead. You can almost always work from your home and Your Return On Investment Is Remarkable!
Why are so many people looking at launching a sunless business? This unique business provides flexible hours, and you can operate from your home, a small storefront, or on a mobile basis. You can take your mobile sunless salon to spas, health clubs, clients homes and special events including home parties, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, a girls-night-out, pre-wedding, or a great idea for a birthday party.
In just a few simple steps and within just a few days you can make your dream of owning your own business a reality and grow your sunless business as large as you want.
Step 1. Order A Mobile System. Step 2. Study For & Receive Your Sunless Airbrush Certification. Step 4. Launch You Sunless Airbrush Business!
Sunmist Mobile System
This Mobile Sunless System is the turnkey solution, offering everything you need to create a successful mobile tanning business. It incorporates the most advanced air compressor and airbrush; and the most skin pampering tanning solutions in the marketplace. Plus a complete range of skincare products with trial incentive kits to build ancillary sales, and dynamic marketing tools to attract new customers to the tanning experience. If you're ready for the complete mobile system, this is for you!
Value $1,205.00
Only $750.00
You Save $455.00!
Click Here To Learn More
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Sunless Business Guide
Whether you are looking to start a new career in Airbrush Tanning, or a seasoned professional, this 112 Page Book on DVD is loaded with the information you won't find anywhere else. Included in this book is detailed information on equipment types, solution tips, step by step application guides, client handouts and forms, marketing tips, problem prevention and treatments, and much more.
Value $79.95
Only $49.95
You Save $30.00!
Click Here To Learn More
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Sunless Certification
The American Tanning Institute (ATI) developed this Sunless Certification Course as an important educational resource for the sunless operator. Our sunless program is available worldwide and offers the training that meets the educational needs of sunless tanning professionals.
Only $69.00
*FREE With the purchase of the Sunmist Mobile System!
Click Here To Learn More
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